Sunday, March 12, 2006

Silly Saturday

What a great day! It started off with everyone sleeping in a little 7 a.m. versus 6 a.m. and the kids snuggling on the couch. I just had to post the series of pictures I took from their snuggle. The second one with Loco making a face is so funny! I just wonder what was going through his head?

"Stop smashing my head, Loo!"
"Oh, gosh - please don't leave me here with her!"
"Loo - don't drop me!"

"Mama - help me! I am afraid she is going to do that high-pitch squeel in my ear, again!"

"Do you smell something? It wasn't me!"

It is funny, look at Loo's face in that picture she is so happy just snuggling him, obvious to the fact that he is having a freaked out moment!

Loo decided that she wanted to be a princess today and that this hat made her one.

Being the comedian that she is, here she is showing off her silly faces. If Papaw J thought her mouth was open wide when she got her ears pierced, he will really be laughing now!

Loo has a blast trying to get Loco to laugh. The thing that is her favorite to do is fake sneeze with a big, high pitched "Ah, Ah, Ah, Choooooooo". He cracks up almost everytime :) Now that he is getting older and reacts to her, she is really enjoying playing with him (hence the peek-a-boo pose on the right)! Today we all played hide-and-seek together, Loco and I worked together with him on my hip.


Anonymous said...

Even though he looks freaked - I'm sure Loco really enjoyed his snuggle time with his big sis. Loo's princess pics are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Those are some great pictures. The one of Loo with her mouth open reminds me of the post I did called Wassup! Max-Ay is doing the similar darn thing!